Is there a difference between internal audit and external audit? The external audit is an assessment of the financial and digital authenticity of some companies in accordance with international corporate law, in order to prove that the company's financial statements are true and fair. Therefore, the external audit and financial audit test on numbers, to the risk in the business operation of the company's primary task is not to external audit. The internal audit, as a member of the company, so the company's rules and regulations, business processes, operating systems, financial systems are more in-depth understanding. Internal audit staff will often take the company to the next department, get a variety of information,Therefore, the internal audit staff can not only complete the work of external audit, but also to carry out the audit work more widely, more in-depth. Strengthen the internal monitoring of power to help reduce the risk of the company, while helping to reduce the external audit workload, shorten the audit time, reduce audit costs. The internal audit can make effective suggestions in the system design stage, the internal control procedures into the system, and then in the system development, system testing, system operation and system evaluation process active participation, so that the system is further improved, improve the reliability of the system, reduce the risk and reduce the cost of late.Good internal control system not only can reduce the risk of the enterprise, but also can reduce the risk of audit. The external audit is performed after the nature, seldom involved in the system development.