Sleep disturbance, especially chronic insomnia (difficulty fallingand staying asleep), is a serious and prevalent problem among US veterans who have served since 2001 in a combat theater in Iraq and/or Afghanistan [1,2-5]. From 2000 to 2010, there was a 7-fold increase in the diagnosis of insomnia across veterans of all ages who were seeking care in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) [5], with an upward trend in rates of insomnia and sleep apnea in military veterans continuing into this decade [6]. Sleep difficulties rarely occur in isolation from other physical and psychiatric concerns. For instance, insomnia and other self-reported sleep disturbances commonly cooccur with mental health diagnoses, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression [1,7-9], and they also cooccur with significant pain symptoms and other functional impairments [10-14]. Among veterans with multiple comorbidities, such as pain, PTSD, and traumatic brain injury, sleep disturbance rates are even higher. In VHA polytrauma clinics, 94% of US veterans who have served since 2001 in Iraq and/or Afghanistan report some sleep disturbance [4,15,16]. Thus, insomnia appears to be a prevalent problem for the most recent cohort of military veterans.