Welcome to everyone.
I have toyed with the idea of posting this system for sometime,realising that it comes with a lot of expectations not to mention time consuming. But anyway i”ll take the plunge a(投入)nd hopefully some will get benefit out of it.
This is one of three systems I trade but is my main system and consumes most of my time.
The system is based on sound trading principles around the popular triangle chart pattern which most traders are familiar with with a twist , because as good as it is ,by it self will not give sufficiently good results.
It is an easily learned system ideal for newbies if you know the basics of trading.
This is a proven system over a long period of time so dont try and change it on this thread otherwise you will just spoil it for every one.
As I said it is based on ascending and descending(下降) triangles but with some very important rules attached to make this one of the most powerful trading strategies you will come across.
But it does require some patience, if you are looking for a plan that will give you 10 trades a day then best you go elsewhere.
This system will generate any where between 3 and 8 trades per week based on monitoring 4 pairs only. I trade it on the Yen pairs but will work on any low spread pair.
I say low spread because we will be using a constant 5pt stop loss.
A triangle pattern is a continuation(继续) pattern in a trending market and what we are aiming at is entering the market at precisely the right time just as it breaks out of the triangle ,using this system it works approx 50% of the time with a Risk/reward of 4 or a Take Profit of 20pts.
The trick to the success of the system and reducing fake outs is to be very specific of the trades you take, but should not take you to long to learn as I will post as many chart examples as I can of both good and bad examples of trade set-ups so you know what to look for.
The beauty of this system, unlike others is that you are given some notice of impending(即将发生的) trades so subscribers to the thread can inform each other of upcoming trades rather than post trades after they have happened.
I will not be providing a trade posting service to people who are to lazy to put the effort in and learn the system ,once you learn it and it wont take long every one can contribute to posting set-ups patterns they see developing on your favourite pairs so every one can benefit
This is bare bones trading on naked charts ,you wont find any pretty indicators here, ,the way trading should be.
Shortly I will post the nuts and bolts of the system ,i hope you will come along for the ride. .................... Cont. on post 21.
I 've decided to add this method to the standard version, for those traders who are time poor or who just want a little more action while waiting for the prime setups to come along.
As with most scalp(头皮) trades it does not have a big r/r rating at just 1to 1 , unlike std. version of 1 to 4 but with practice most should find it quite profitable.
It does have some restrictions to give it best chance entries just like the standard version and you may want to adjust some aspects to suit your style.
We are going to restrict the pairs to just Yen pairs U/Y, E/Y, A/Y, G/Y, as they generally move the fastest.
Euro and early NY sessions only.
2% risk / stop loss and 2% take profit. So 5pip s/l and 5 pip t/p.
Due to the the types of entries we look for { read standard version to learn first} price is ready to bounce as soon as our order is triggered and usually gets to 5 pips quite quickly. You must however still be patient and get nicely formed setups, sloppy(草率的) set ups will perform badly. If you are selective you should easy be able to find 2-4 setups per session, more than enough to keep most happy. Do not overtrade!!!!!!!!!
Once you have found a suitable entry , set your Buy Stop at the top point plus your spread {max 1.5} plus .2 pip then . Your t/p is 5 pips above this.
Example Top of point is 138.32 + .9 spread +.2 = entry price of 139.42.
For sell we only ad .2 to point value.
Stop loss is set at same time as Buy/Sell order.
Up to you but once your trade gets to near t/p bring s/l to B/E.
Demo trade this first to get a feel for it and adjust to suit yourself if needed.
Just as a side note , if your price takes of quickly straight past your 5 pips and you dont have a T/P on, bring your s/l up to 5 pips to lock that profit in see how much extra you can bag.
Just keep in mind that if you choose to use this method it may be hard for you to trade the standard system as you will always be tempted(诱惑) to close trades at 5 pips rather than let them run. Or you could just use it on days when the market is range bound and the standard entries are not to be found.
GOOD TRADING. Any questions just ask.
Welcome to everyone.I have toyed with the idea of posting this system for sometime,realising that it comes with a lot of expectations not to mention time consuming. But anyway i”ll take the plunge a(投入)nd hopefully some will get benefit out of it.This is one of three systems I trade but is my main system and consumes most of my time.The system is based on sound trading principles around the popular triangle chart pattern which most traders are familiar with with a twist , because as good as it is ,by it self will not give sufficiently good results.It is an easily learned system ideal for newbies if you know the basics of trading.This is a proven system over a long period of time so dont try and change it on this thread otherwise you will just spoil it for every one.As I said it is based on ascending and descending(下降) triangles but with some very important rules attached to make this one of the most powerful trading strategies you will come across.But it does require some patience, if you are looking for a plan that will give you 10 trades a day then best you go elsewhere.This system will generate any where between 3 and 8 trades per week based on monitoring 4 pairs only. I trade it on the Yen pairs but will work on any low spread pair.I say low spread because we will be using a constant 5pt stop loss.A triangle pattern is a continuation(继续) pattern in a trending market and what we are aiming at is entering the market at precisely the right time just as it breaks out of the triangle ,using this system it works approx 50% of the time with a Risk/reward of 4 or a Take Profit of 20pts.The trick to the success of the system and reducing fake outs is to be very specific of the trades you take, but should not take you to long to learn as I will post as many chart examples as I can of both good and bad examples of trade set-ups so you know what to look for.The beauty of this system, unlike others is that you are given some notice of impending(即将发生的) trades so subscribers to the thread can inform each other of upcoming trades rather than post trades after they have happened.I will not be providing a trade posting service to people who are to lazy to put the effort in and learn the system ,once you learn it and it wont take long every one can contribute to posting set-ups patterns they see developing on your favourite pairs so every one can benefitThis is bare bones trading on naked charts ,you wont find any pretty indicators here, ,the way trading should be.Shortly I will post the nuts and bolts of the system ,i hope you will come along for the ride. .................... Cont. on post 21.Edit: ADITTIONAL QUICK SCALP VERSIONI 've decided to add this method to the standard version, for those traders who are time poor or who just want a little more action while waiting for the prime setups to come along.与大多数 scalp(头皮) 交易它并没有大的花子评分在只是 1 到 1,不同于标准版本 1 到 4,但与实践最应该发现它相当有利可图。它确实有一些限制,它就像标准版本的最好机会条目,您可能想要调整某些方面要适合你的风格。对;我们要限制的对只是日元对 U/Y,E/Y,A / Y,G/Y,因为他们一般移动速度最快。交易时间;欧元和早期仅限于纽约州会话。风险;2%风险/停止损失和 2%止损。所以 5pip s/l 和 5 pip t/p。由于类型的条目我们寻找 {读取标准版本先学} 价格是准备反弹,只要我们的订单触发,通常很快获取到 5 个点。然而仍然,你必须有耐心,得到很好地形成的设置中,ups 将表现不佳的 sloppy(草率的) 套。如果你是有选择性应该很容易能够找到 2 4 设置每个会话,更多比足以让最快乐。做不过度交易!!!条目:一旦你找到一个合适的条目,然后再加上.2 pip 中设置您停止购买顶点加 {最大 1.5} 你传播。你的 t/p 是以上这 5 个点。示例顶部的点是 138.32 +.9 传播 +.2 = 139.42 的入门价格。为出售我们唯一广告.2 点值。止损设置在同时买/卖秩序。贸易管理;取决于你但一旦你贸易获取近 t/p 给 b/E s/l。演示贸易这第一次来获得它的感觉和调整,如果需要的话,请自便。Just as a side note , if your price takes of quickly straight past your 5 pips and you dont have a T/P on, bring your s/l up to 5 pips to lock that profit in see how much extra you can bag.Just keep in mind that if you choose to use this method it may be hard for you to trade the standard system as you will always be tempted(诱惑) to close trades at 5 pips rather than let them run. Or you could just use it on days when the market is range bound and the standard entries are not to be found.GOOD TRADING. Any questions just ask.