The link between marine productivity, DOC, and other trace elements in rainfall could be explained by three different pathways.Two pathway sinvolve the release of trace elements from the marine organism to the atmosphere. The third pathway involves the formation of marine organic aerosols that can scavenge trace elements in the
atmosphere. The first pathway involves direct emissions of volatile compounds (e.g., for Se, DMSe, DMDSe) by living
organisms. Previously, a statistically positive correlation (R2 =0.59) between coccolithophorid derived C and DMSe in
surface waters was found in the North Atlantic during June,20 indicating that this organic Se compound is likely present in the seawater during this month. However, the exact mechanism of
atmospheric Se release needs to be further investigated
The link between marine productivity, DOC, and other trace elements in rainfall could be explained by three different pathways.Two pathway sinvolve the release of trace elements from the marine organism to the atmosphere. The third pathway involves the formation of marine organic aerosols that can scavenge trace elements in the
atmosphere. The first pathway involves direct emissions of volatile compounds (e.g., for Se, DMSe, DMDSe) by living
organisms. Previously, a statistically positive correlation (R2 =0.59) between coccolithophorid derived C and DMSe in
surface waters was found in the North Atlantic during June,20 indicating that this organic Se compound is likely present in the seawater during this month. However, the exact mechanism of
atmospheric Se release needs to be further investigated