The Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient revealed a signifi- cant relationship between posttest scores on the PACER and two of the educational gymnastics tasks and between posttest scores on the Curl-Up and one of the educational gymnastics tasks. A strong positive correlation was found between the flight action and PACER posttest scores (r = .667, p = .001). A significant negative correla- tion was found between the sequence and PACER posttest scores (r = -.497, p = .019). A strong positive correlation was found between the step-like action and Curl-Up posttest scores (r = .648, p = .001). A correlation could not be reported between the rolling action post- test scores and any of the fitness posttest scores because 100% of the PETE students performed the rolling action at a Level 3 (the high- est level) at posttest. The results of the pre- and posttest compari- sons between motor skills and fitness are presented in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.