There is a developing research base to support therationale underpinning augmentative and alternativecommunication (AAC) for people with learningdisabilities. However, there is a paucity of researchexamining the process involved in implementingAAC support for people who have profound disabilities.This paper seeks to explore the processesinvolved in planning and implementing AAC systemsto support the communication of two 6 year oldswith profound and multiple learning disabilities. Followingassessment, a plan of intervention involvingspecific implementation of objects of reference,gestures and signs was implemented to enhancecommunication opportunities for both children.Both children improved their communication skillsthrough use of specific AAC supports. Resultssuggest that important aspects to include whenplanning intervention are understanding the level ofeach child’s cognition in relation to their receptiveabilities and a consistent, collaborative approachwhere strategies are agreed between teammembers. Specific challenges are discussed.