Two weeks ago I did order from external IT team an audit in Beonpush database and servers in order to find a solution and solve the missing withdrawal payments with Payeer. This was done successfully.
During that audit some really troubling statistics came out like :
215.000 active users for 33.000 Payeer accounts withdrawals ID and 20.000 Payza adresses for withdrawal...
once a same Payeer account is used for more than one user account the connection time for withdrawal is less than 2 min in 50% of cases.
ID verification on those same accounts , same time connection under same IP show in more than half of case not same family name... and doing that more than 2 time in a same week.
So this is clearly SAME users have several accounts and taking advantage of the referral opportunity.
IT IS UNACCEPTABLE for me to allow frauder to take profit (several time) from the honest and hard working users.
Since day 1 it is strictly 1 user = 1 account...
I got soft with story like : " but me and my wife we manage our money separately and we have different network... so we will have two accounts on the same IP... " THAN if you manage your money separately why do you withdraw your income on same Payeer account no on same minute ??
Just understand that this is a profit sharing company and those who take the profit several time and abuse the referral system JUST take the profit from the other users following the rules.
Or now when company starts to pay the career gift : should I pay 3 company car to the same person?
Anyway, i don't want cut the motivation of the honest and hard worker. So we have to ban all frauds as it is stated in our terms and conditions.
I believe that everybody can make a mistake and the hunger for profit can make you do wrong things... SO here is my proposition as an AMNESTY :
. Until next Monday (20th of June) , 9 am Dubai time : all those who have cheated with having more than one account who want to stay in the program they can send an email to SECURITY@BEONPUSH.COM with telling why they send email and clearly tell accounts they use and which account (only one) they want to keep ... this is my pardon so you can keep 1 account of your choice. the other accounts will be banned.
After this date all accounts from the list provided to me by the database audit as fraud with more than one account will be BANNED.
To all frauds, you have little time to think and be clean with us.
As from now the internal transfers are blocked until Monday, in order to avoid frauder to work on new accounts .
Monday after we are done with the non honest people inside our company, i would like to announce the next plans discussed with leaders and attack on our very promising planning!
PS: Don't forget what is Beonpush's business model : we sell views online and when its on same user several time its considered as a Ghost view and that is bad for our profit...
PS2: Don't send stories to is a robot mail pickup main informations and using it