Although US scholars express coaches have focused on the purpose of the evaluation, but summed up in nothing more than a formative purpose (formative purpose) and summary (stumative purpose). American coaches evaluation purposes to form the main purpose is to improve the evaluation of coaches. Without that proof. The main evaluation principles to follow the principle of pluralism (subject, evaluation methods and data sources, evaluated diversification) and the main principles, reflect the feedback evaluation after counseling and coaches placed in an important position. United States to implement "standards-based evaluation of coaches" whose standards are professional competence, training ability, team management, player evaluation, training, performance, interpersonal communication, professional growth, and personality traits 8. In the specific evaluation methods including the training courses are now observed, athlete achievement, Portfolio, peer evaluation. Where professionalism is divided into hard and soft two aspects: the hard aspects, refers to the martial arts coaching positions must fulfill occupational functioning; soft aspects including the establishment of the former on the basis of professional ethics, professional ethics and dedication.