Decades of overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction to the coastal ecosystem deterioration.When people are careless or excessive cleaning up rivers, or the development of coastal almost without considering environmental factors, ecosystem health will suffer.On marine resources sustainable use on many coastal countries, particularly developing countries pose a threat to the safety of food.Coastal pollution and habitat deterioration also jeopardize the dependence of tourism in coastal areas of the economy.Coastal ecological environment deteriorated partly by people's carelessness or lack of awareness.Many ecological systems with unseen,So people often do not realize their behaviour on ecosystem damage.In addition, this or that the laws and regulations, such as food security, let them feel that seems to have no choice, only the destructive use of coastal zone resources.The management of the failed another reason is the contradictory conflict, namely on coastal zone resources of various use, using human culture, responsible for the management of responsibility jurisdiction exists between the contradictions and conflicts.