Now that your contract for the University Residence Halls at UW-Madison has been completed, it is time for you to submit your residence hall preferences for Academic Year 2015-16! Before doing so, we ask that you keep a few things in mind:
As a part of your Wisconsin Experience, consider ranking a Residential Learning Community, the Substance-Free Community, or the Transfer House (as applicable) as your #1 preference. Students who have a learning community lower on their list may be assigned to a learning community if space is available.
You are required to rank all of the residence halls on the next screen.
In order to be fair to all students, you have an equal chance of getting placed into one of your top hall preferences or into a hall lower on your preference list. We cannot guarantee placement in a particular building or neighborhood.
The majority of the spaces in the University Residence Halls are double occupancy rooms. You can indicate an interest in a single or triple occupancy room. Checking the box for one of these options does not guarantee your placement in a particular room type. Depending on availability, you could be placed in a single, double, or triple occupancy room.
Room Rates vary based on room type and residence halls. Please consider cost when you submit your residence hall preferences.
You can update your residence hall preferences as many times as you like until May 7, 2015. To save your changes, be sure to click on the "Submit" button before leaving My UW Housing.
If you have a preferred roommate, your residence hall and learning community preferences must exactly match those of your preferred roommate. For additional roommate information, please click on the "Roommate" button in My UW Housing.