Don't be afraid to learn. The idea of having an aversion to learning may sound silly, but in some quarters it is a definite no-no. A surprising number of otherwise intelligent people believe that learning about painting will inhibit them artistically一that spontaneity alone matters. The theory is that the path to meaningful art somehow arises naturally from
deep within the human spirit, and any influence from the outside (established knowledge) will somehow contaminate the purity of the interior process. All that is necessary is to "let go," and a force from within will manage things.
I've always had trouble with that. Bach and Shakespeare and Michelangelo were all fine craftsmen who built upon what came before, and they weren't stupid. Even Mozart occasionally listened to his father. I believe that if you are going to master a skill and stimulate new achievements, it is not wise to ignore what is already known一above all, technical
information. Painting has occupied some of the greatest minds in history, so why not yours too? You will never run out of fascinating things to study. Art is a living language with infinite possibilities awaiting. Learn everything you can about it,add your own insights, and use what you need. I believe that while you are in a learning mode (which should be most of
the time), you should suspend your "arty" sensitivities. Save those for when you are dreaming up your next masterpiece.Focus on the fascination of problem solving, or absorbing the lessons of your successes.