Hallo! Ich habe den Artikel am Samstag erhalten, war auch alles super. Hatte mir dann Musik drauf gespielt und habe den mp3 Player geladen , nun geht er nicht mehr an
Information of the buyerBasicThe article does not work or is damagedCommentsHello! I got the article on Saturday, was also all super. Had then played my music on it and I loaded the mp3 player, now he's no longer
Information of the buyer reason, the item does not work or is defective Comments Hello! I have not received the item on Saturday, everything was great. Had then played my music on it and I have loaded the mp3 player, now he no longer goes to
information of the buyerreasonthe article does not work or is damagedcommentshello! i have the article on saturday, was also great. i had then played music on and have the mp3 player loaded, now he's no longer