.Thank you guys 2009-11-1 21:59阅读(81).赞赞赞赞转载分享评论(4)复制地址举报更多上一篇 |下一篇:Mr.Children - Ku...
Congratulations, my dear Mr. Sun! Finally you got me into this situation. Yep, she said that she and I are friends. In fact, we are not friends, we were more than friends, and now there's nothing but a wall between us, the wall we build together, just she and I do it. And, with a little help of you, dear Mr. Sun, this wall is higher and higher.
So, this is what you two really want? Or I should ask her, is it what you want, my girl?
Now Mr. Sun, let me teach you those words again:
I reach out to her, and then she rejects me, and I can't help but recoil.
It took me long time, but I tried hard, and I got out of that in the end. You said you want her, I never say No. So, do you think I'm threatening you, Mr. Sun? If yes, thank you very much. Can't you see she's right beside you, all yours? Or, maybe you just like to do this, without any reason. Whatever, now you are successful in separating she and I. You're always playing game with me, right? Mr. Sun?
Dare to play games with her, my dear fu*king Mr. Sun?!
Thanks, my girl. I learned so much this time.
Just like those lyrics:
I don't want to hurt you
You don't want to hurt me
I can't stand you
And you can't stand me
We can't rearrange
So, this is what you really want? Then farewell, my girl.
There is none of my business, from the very beginning to the termination of the world. I'm just an officious man.