Greetings from Newegg Marketplace,
This email is to inform you that your seller account has been dormant for at least 90 days. Our records indicate your company created a seller account on Newegg Marketplace but there is no activity, such as creating or listing items. Please communicate your intent with our Marketplace platform.
Please respond to this email and contact within 7 days of receiving this email of how you want to keep and manage your account registration. If you are having issues listing or creating items, we are more than happy to assists you, please feel free to contact for support.
If we do not hear back from you, we may close your account and exclude you from our merchant list.
For the most up to date information, please visit our Marketplace Website from the below link.
We appreciate your business and hope to have you back as part of the Newegg Marketplace Community.
Best Regards,
Newegg Marketplace