Hallo, hatte denn Akku ca. 6-7Std noch geladen nachdem ich die Lampe bekommen habe. Leider befand sich keine Beschreibung für die Lampe in der Packung, somit kann ich auch nicht sagen, wie lang der Akku laden muss.
Helloinvited for approx. 6-7Std still battery after I got the lamp.Unfortunately there was no description for the lamp in the Pack, so I can't say, how long to charge the battery.
Hello, battery had since about 6-7Std still loaded after I got the lamp. Unfortunately, there was no description of the lamp in the package, so I can not tell you how long the battery needs to load also.
hello, was approximately 6 7std battery loading after i get the lamp. "unfortunately, there was no description for the lamp in the box, so i can not say how long the battery load.