Good executive summary is the last part of the plan in one of the most critical part, you should also write. <br><br>Summary The purpose is to extract all subsequent content, and for the time-critical reviewers (eg, potential investors) to provide high-level overview of your business, in order to convince them to read further. Again, it is a summary, therefore highlight key points found in the preparation of plans. If you have written for planning purposes, you can completely skip the summary, although you may still want to try, just for practice. <br><br>The executive summary should not exceed one page. Indeed, space constraints may make all the important information becomes compressed some pressure, but not impossible. The executive summary of your business plan should include the following: <br><br>business philosophy. Your business is doing what? <br>Business goals and vision. What is your company want to do? <br>Product description and differentiation. What you sell, how different? <br>Targeted market. You sell it? <br>Marketing Plan. How do you intend to attract customers? <br>The current financial situation. Your current income? <br>Expected financial position. How much income you expect to be? <br>ask. You charge? <br>team. Who is involved in this business?