This is the new Gladbach lasten peliasut 2015/2016, Borussia Monchengladbach’s Champions League shirt for the new 15/16 season, made by Kappa. Die Fohlen got an automatic spot in the CL in 2015/16 thanks to their third place finish in the Bundesliga last season, but have been placed in the Group of Death, with Premier League favourites Man City, last season’s CL runners up Juventus and EL champions Sevilla the other teams in their group.
The black, white and grey Champions League strip was officially unveiled on August 27, 2015 by the club, and has been sponsored by PostBank. Gladbach will not be heavily fancied to get out of their group, but few will take them lightly after their performances domestically in 2014/15. View more information from .
This is the new Gladbach lasten peliasut 2015/2016, Borussia Monchengladbach’s Champions League shirt for the new 15/16 season, made by Kappa. Die Fohlen got an automatic spot in the CL in 2015/16 thanks to their third place finish in the Bundesliga last season, but have been placed in the Group of Death, with Premier League favourites Man City, last season’s CL runners up Juventus and EL champions Sevilla the other teams in their group.The black, white and grey Champions League strip was officially unveiled on August 27, 2015 by the club, and has been sponsored by PostBank. Gladbach will not be heavily fancied to get out of their group, but few will take them lightly after their performances domestically in 2014/15. View more information from .

Tämä on uusi Gladbach Lasten peliasut 2015/2016, Borussia Mönchengladbach Mestarien liigan paita uusi 15/16 kausi, tekemät Kappa. Die Fohlen sai automaattisen paikalla CL 2015/16 ansiosta kolmannen sijan Bundesliigan viime kaudella, mutta on sijoitettu ryhmä kuoleman, Premier League suosikkeja Man City, viime kauden CL palkinnonsaajaa Juventus ja EL Mestarien Sevilla muut joukkueet ryhmissään.
musta, valkoinen ja harmaa Mestarien liigan kaistale oli virallisesti paljastettiin 27. elokuuta 2015 klubi, ja on sponsoroida Postbank. Gladbach ei voimakkaasti haaveillut päästä pois ryhmänsä, mutta harvat ottaa ne kevyesti jälkeen esityksiä kotimarkkinoilla 2014/15. Näytä lisää tietoja