(This email is intended for those who are allowed to use our network printing services)
This is to inform the team that IT is now implementing changes on the new print server (ADS-PRNT01-QZPA).
The new configuration allows more secured connection compared to the old/temporary print server (QZC-PRNT01-SVR), which will be decommissioned on Saturday, October 10th.
Attached is the job aid on how to connect to the new print server. The steps are straight forward, and is just a one-time setup; you don’t need to repeat the process, unless you have accidentally deleted your installed printer:
Steps to Install Network Printer/s:
1. (User must be allowed by respective manager/s to have printer access) If still not a member, request IT, via HelpMe, (or Jira-Ops) to be included in the printer access security group (QZC-Printer-Access)
2. Determine which printer you want to have access to (not all printers can be used ~ additional permissions required for specific shared printer. (Example, Lori’s printer, or HR’s printer)
3. Once necessary permissions/approvals are secured, proceed to installing network printer
1. For the new print server settings, we have to remove first all previously setup printers in your Devices and Printers folder. Proceed only once you have deleted old networked printers.
2. On your desktop PC/screen, click Start
3. In the “Search programs and files” space, type \ADS-PRNT01-QZPA or \
4. The shared network printers window will appear, with the available shared printers to select from
5. Select the printer which you have corresponding approval to use.
6. A new window will pop up, indicating the network printer which you are now connected to:
7. To set this printer as your default printer, click Printer, then Set As Default Printer.
Team,(This email is intended for those who are allowed to use our network printing services)This is to inform the team that IT is now implementing changes on the new print server (ADS-PRNT01-QZPA).The new configuration allows more secured connection compared to the old/temporary print server (QZC-PRNT01-SVR), which will be decommissioned on Saturday, October 10th.Attached is the job aid on how to connect to the new print server. The steps are straight forward, and is just a one-time setup; you don’t need to repeat the process, unless you have accidentally deleted your installed printer:Steps to Install Network Printer/s: Prerequisites: 1. (User must be allowed by respective manager/s to have printer access) If still not a member, request IT, via HelpMe, (or Jira-Ops) to be included in the printer access security group (QZC-Printer-Access) 2. Determine which printer you want to have access to (not all printers can be used ~ additional permissions required for specific shared printer. (Example, Lori’s printer, or HR’s printer) 3. Once necessary permissions/approvals are secured, proceed to installing network printer Procedures: 1. For the new print server settings, we have to remove first all previously setup printers in your Devices and Printers folder. Proceed only once you have deleted old networked printers. 2. On your desktop PC/screen, click Start3. In the “Search programs and files” space, type \ADS-PRNT01-QZPA or \共享的网络打印机窗口将出现,与可用的共享打印机,选择从5.选择你有相应的批准使用的打印机。6.一个新的窗口会弹出,指示您现在连接到的网络打印机:7.要将此打印机设置为默认打印机,请单击打印机,然后设为默认打印机。