Infusion devices (pumps and controllers) are one of the highest numbers of medical devices in hospitals and clinics worldwide. They are used to control the delivery of a wide range of medications, nutrition and blood products. In anesthesia, the infusion device controls the delivery of narcotics, short-acting barbiturates and paralytics whose properties and actions on the physiology include analgesia, amnesia, paralysis and sedation. In the ICU they are used for sedation and paralysis as well as infusing medications that help speed the healing of disease and chronic conditions. Infusion devices have been the target of many clinical outcome investigations with human error, mechanical and electronic failure being the leading causes for failure. In fact, the FDA reported 56,000 adverse events, over 500 deaths and 87 recalls related to infusion devices recorded between 2005 and 2009 in the United States alone. Incorrect readings from a poorly-performing infusion pump can put patients at great health risk, including death. It is therefore very important to test the performance of infusion devices to ensure they are performing in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and clinicians’ expectations. The mechanical performance of infusion pumps hasn’t changed much in recent years, but their safety features have. Pumps are now equipped with sophisticated software and are being integrated into information networks and other clinical systems. It is important to understand the variety of mechanisms used in infusion pumps to control the flow rate and volume delivered by these important medical devices. The most widely used mechanisms are roller (Fig. 1), linear peristaltics (Fig. 2) and syringe (Fig. 3). Each has different points of probable failure. The function of each has its own impact on the fluid flowing through the infusion tubing which, in turn, affects the measurement being made to assess performance to the manufacturer’s specification. Infusion pumps require preventive maintenance at least once a year. Hospitals generally test infusion pumps at incoming inspection, scheduled PM and post repair; OEMs test infusion pumps for quality control. Preventive maintenance practices include verifying the pump is administering flow, volume and boluses accurately and occluding appropriately. These pumps are either tested based on protocols suggested by manufacturers or medical facilities, or according to the IEC 60601-224 standard