5 As Sub-Team for Service(by Student Name XXXX)In this section, inform readers rational for work as Sub-Team in related to the Management Team’s Study and Learning5.1 Your Teams’ Observations(by Student Name XXXX) In this section, inform and elaborate to readers 5 aspects, each 3 “Strategies/Practices to Learn” in related to various aspects Strategies/Practices in related to Staff Management Learnt from Mgt 1 : (by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to “Managing Team Performance” from Mgt 1(by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Quality Control Learnt from Mgt 1 (by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Financial Control Learnt from Mgt 1 (by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Time Management Learnt from Mgt 1 (by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Staff Management Learnt from Mgt 2(by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to “Managing Team Performance” from Mgt 2(by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Quality Control Learnt from Mgt 2(by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Financial Control Learnt from Mgt 2(by Student Name XXXX)Strategies/Practices in related to Time Management Learnt from Mgt 2(by Student Name XXXX)