00:00:10,470 --> 00:00:16,490
the first 2 I'm gonna talk about its a
brush tool and I'm just gonna show you
00:00:16,490 --> 00:00:23,450
how I set the brush tool ninety percent
of my work very first saying is I like
00:00:23,450 --> 00:00:27,880
to use the brush tool at the softest I
can I normally have shape dynamics
00:00:27,880 --> 00:00:29,070
turned on
00:00:29,070 --> 00:00:34,980
have transferred turned on and I have
smoothing turned on the one other thing
00:00:34,980 --> 00:00:40,540
I do and this is works beautiful things
like mosques dodging and burning things
00:00:40,540 --> 00:00:45,770
like that I like to have my spacing set
between 23 and 25 and what's facing does
00:00:45,770 --> 00:00:50,540
it just kills me that beautiful softness
into the brush tool by using different
00:00:50,540 --> 00:00:55,390
pressures but not too much you'll see it
starts to separate so I don't we find
00:00:55,390 --> 00:01:02,080
round about 25 has about the perfect
spot for me and that's pretty much my
00:01:02,080 --> 00:01:08,020
brush tool for 80% of the work I do when
the other things I tend to do with a lot
00:01:08,020 --> 00:01:13,820
of my editing is to use my brush it a
very very low flow right and when I said
00:01:13,820 --> 00:01:19,630
hello I know you mean 1% welcome to show
you the difference between Pasadena flow
00:01:19,630 --> 00:01:24,710
so at the moment we've got an impressive
hundred-percent flow of a hundred same
00:01:24,710 --> 00:01:34,030
ol just toggle brush to brush and there
is just so what black brush now if we
00:01:34,030 --> 00:01:42,229
bring in a pesky down to say 33% you'll
find that when I paint as long as I keep
00:01:42,229 --> 00:01:46,940
painting it will not change it'll be
identical everywhere we go this is a
00:01:46,940 --> 00:01:49,760
really good feeling backgrounds and
things like that
00:01:49,760 --> 00:01:54,130
soon as we take a mask off or stop
clicking on it and come back down we get
00:01:54,130 --> 00:02:00,619
the success high flow but once we
overlap they double up and again we went
00:02:00,619 --> 00:02:10,599
from 3366 and we can just keep on
building and building and building it's
00:02:10,599 --> 00:02:18,379
pretty much a paucity of flow to bring
my past you to fall we gonna take my
00:02:18,379 --> 00:02:23,360
flow right down to 10 sometimes are
rather leave unless someone
00:02:23,360 --> 00:02:27,100
adult i point five or something like
that if I'm finding it too aggressive
00:02:27,100 --> 00:02:32,610
now with this way it's more like drawing
and sketching or anything looks more
00:02:32,610 --> 00:02:41,110
like 2601 talking to slowly build my
brush up and the long road painted up
00:02:41,110 --> 00:02:45,560
its gonna get in that spot like it off
nicely and it doesn't matter if I take
00:02:45,560 --> 00:02:51,050
the pressure off but it's much more like
painting so more like drawing sketching
00:02:51,050 --> 00:02:56,830
actually so much prefer to use it this
way I find it beautiful for masking and
00:02:56,830 --> 00:03:02,280
I normally side of people if I'm not
prepared to do this more than one
00:03:02,280 --> 00:03:06,890
percent from I'm asking my dodging and
burning and I average about thirty else
00:03:06,890 --> 00:03:11,480
awake retouching you should not even
bother to think about using a higher
00:03:11,480 --> 00:03:15,690
than that so that's pretty much the
brush tool as I use it
100:00:10,470--> 00:00:16,490我要去谈论它的第一次 2画笔工具和我正要给你看200:00:16,490--> 00:00:23,450如何设置画笔工具 90%我工作的第一次说是我喜欢300:00:23,450--> 00:00:27,880使用画笔工具在柔软我我通常能动态形状吗400:00:27,880--> 00:00:29,070打开500:00:29,070--> 00:00:34,980已转变成对我有平滑开启了另一件事600:00:34,980--> 00:00:40,540我做,这是作品美丽的事物像清真寺躲避和燃烧的东西700:00:40,540--> 00:00:45,770这样,我想要我的间距设置23 和 25,什么面临之间是否800:00:45,770--> 00:00:50,540它刚刚杀了我那美丽的柔软通过使用不同的笔刷工具进900:00:50,540--> 00:00:55,390压力,但不是太多,你会看到它开始分开所以我不要我们找到1000:00:55,390--> 00:01:02,080关于 25 轮具有关于完美现货对我来说,这就是我1100:01:02,080--> 00:01:08,02080%的工作时的画笔工具我倾向于做有很多的其他事情1200:01:08,020--> 00:01:13,820我编辑的是用我的刷它非常非常低流量正确,当我说1300:01:13,820--> 00:01:19,630你好你知道 1%欢迎来显示你帕萨迪纳流之间的区别1400:01:19,630--> 00:01:24,710so at the moment we've got an impressivehundred-percent flow of a hundred same1500:01:24,710 --> 00:01:34,030ol just toggle brush to brush and thereis just so what black brush now if we1600:01:34,030 --> 00:01:42,229bring in a pesky down to say 33% you'llfind that when I paint as long as I keep1700:01:42,229 --> 00:01:46,940painting it will not change it'll beidentical everywhere we go this is a1800:01:46,940 --> 00:01:49,760really good feeling backgrounds andthings like that1900:01:49,760 --> 00:01:54,130soon as we take a mask off or stopclicking on it and come back down we get2000:01:54,130 --> 00:02:00,619the success high flow but once weoverlap they double up and again we went2100:02:00,619 --> 00:02:10,599from 3366 and we can just keep onbuilding and building and building it's2200:02:10,599 --> 00:02:18,379pretty much a paucity of flow to bringmy past you to fall we gonna take my2300:02:18,379 --> 00:02:23,360flow right down to 10 sometimes arerather leave unless someone2400:02:23,360 --> 00:02:27,100adult i point five or something likethat if I'm finding it too aggressive2500:02:27,100 --> 00:02:32,610now with this way it's more like drawingand sketching or anything looks more2600:02:32,610 --> 00:02:41,110like 2601 talking to slowly build mybrush up and the long road painted up2700:02:41,110 --> 00:02:45,560its gonna get in that spot like it off好的话我也无所谓2800:02:45,560--> 00:02:51,050关闭压力,但它的更像所以更像是画素描画2900:02:51,050--> 00:02:56,830其实很多喜欢使用它这我觉得它好看的掩蔽的方式和3000:02:56,830--> 00:03:02,280我的正常身边的人,如果我不是准备做这个更多人3100:03:02,280--> 00:03:06,890%从我问我的逃避和燃烧和我平均大概三十岁左右其他3200:03:06,890--> 00:03:11,480你甚至不应该清醒修饰费事去想使用更高3300:03:11,480--> 00:03:15,690比,所以这是非常刷子工具,在使用它