ARIES: March 21 – April 20
Things are a little nuts, but what the hell? This is better than you’ve had it in a long time. Without leading you to think that it will go on forever, it’s pretty obvious that you are on a roll. It’s time to get out there and work it. If you can do this without letting your ego get out of control you’re going to find that it will take you everywhere. It’s almost as if you’ve arrived at the terminal where the rest of your life is getting ready to take off. Don’t let your attachments tie you down, or hold you back. Let them go, and trust that the ones that matter will be there forever.
TAURUS:April 21 – May 20
Before you get all worked up about this, slow down and get real for a minute. Just because all of a sudden everyone wants a piece of you it doesn’t mean you need to say yes to any of this. For the first time in your life you’ve come to a place where you’re beginning to see what’s important to you. With others creating the impression that you need to respond to whatever it is that they’re projecting onto you, you’re going nuts trying to be all things to all people. At some point you’d be wise forget about everyone else to start looking at what it is that you want for yourself.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
When you get right down to it, you are the only thing that stands between you and whatever you want out of this. Not that anything is going to be easy - it's quite clear that you are up against it. The good news is, all kinds of new and interesting elements are about to show up and give you a clearer sense of what the future holds. Nobody needs to remind you that change is the order of the day. Others are there to assist. Some of them would be happier if you were less of a prima donna about your choices. It's time to let go of things that have become a burden for both of you.
CANCER:June 21 – July 20
It’s amazing how things have turned out. You thought you were headed one way and now here you are, going in a totally new direction. Nothing from the past needs to haunt you; at the moment, it’s a question of ‘who do you want to be now?’ If it looks like there’s nothing going on and you’re wondering what it’s all about, nothingness is where everything begins again. You’re floating in the Void, or that space between atoms, where life has no choice but to recreate itself – and the fear that you’ve lost your place is about give way to a clear sense that you’ve found it.
ARIES: March 21 – April 20Things are a little nuts, but what the hell? This is better than you’ve had it in a long time. Without leading you to think that it will go on forever, it’s pretty obvious that you are on a roll. It’s time to get out there and work it. If you can do this without letting your ego get out of control you’re going to find that it will take you everywhere. It’s almost as if you’ve arrived at the terminal where the rest of your life is getting ready to take off. Don’t let your attachments tie you down, or hold you back. Let them go, and trust that the ones that matter will be there forever.TAURUS:April 21 – May 20Before you get all worked up about this, slow down and get real for a minute. Just because all of a sudden everyone wants a piece of you it doesn’t mean you need to say yes to any of this. For the first time in your life you’ve come to a place where you’re beginning to see what’s important to you. With others creating the impression that you need to respond to whatever it is that they’re projecting onto you, you’re going nuts trying to be all things to all people. At some point you’d be wise forget about everyone else to start looking at what it is that you want for yourself.GEMINI: May 21 – June 20When you get right down to it, you are the only thing that stands between you and whatever you want out of this. Not that anything is going to be easy - it's quite clear that you are up against it. The good news is, all kinds of new and interesting elements are about to show up and give you a clearer sense of what the future holds. Nobody needs to remind you that change is the order of the day. Others are there to assist. Some of them would be happier if you were less of a prima donna about your choices. It's time to let go of things that have become a burden for both of you.CANCER:June 21 – July 20It’s amazing how things have turned out. You thought you were headed one way and now here you are, going in a totally new direction. Nothing from the past needs to haunt you; at the moment, it’s a question of ‘who do you want to be now?’ If it looks like there’s nothing going on and you’re wondering what it’s all about, nothingness is where everything begins again. You’re floating in the Void, or that space between atoms, where life has no choice but to recreate itself – and the fear that you’ve lost your place is about give way to a clear sense that you’ve found it.