Abstract: The super-hydrophobic copper surface was obtained by using a nanosecond pulsed laser.Different micro- and nano-structures were fabricated by changing the laser scanning interval andscanning speed, before heating in an electric heater at 150 ◦C for two hours to explore the effectof laser parameters and heat treatment on the wettability of the copper surface. It was found thatthe laser-treated copper surface is super-hydrophilic, and then, after the heat treatment, the surfaceswitches to hydrophobic or even super-hydrophobic. The best super-hydrophobic surface’s apparentcontact angle (APCA) was 155.6◦, and the water sliding angle (WSA) was 4◦. Super-hydrophobiccopper is corrosion-resistant, self-cleaning, and dust-proof, and can be widely used in variousmechanical devices.