Question 1: Rank the TV dramas based on the ranking index and name your top 10 with the data given in Annex 1 and Annex 2.
Question 2: Actor/actress’s popularity ranking could be very useful to a TV series production. Please collect and use related data as foundation, design a star popularity index, and try to prove the attainability of your index by giving a real-life example from this year.
Question 3: Based on common opinion data (such as the number of micro blogging reviews, Baidu search volume, Youku clicks, etc.) and the current audience to speculate on viewers’ interest and what would make a TV show popular. Describe an ideal production team, including the producer and actors. Try to prove your point with a real-life example.
Question 4: How to find and recommend the most interesting and suitable TV drama for each viewer based on his/her viewing history? How to find the script content most suitable for each local TV station according to the ratings of programs broadcasted by the local TV stations is also worth looking into. Collect related data, provide a solution by using mathematical modeling methods, and use a real-life example to prove your point.