00:00:11,590 --> 00:00:16,160
hey folks this is Sean Bagshaw from
outdoor exposure photography and photo
00:00:16,160 --> 00:00:21,689
Cascadia this tutorial share a powerful
dodging and burning technique that was
00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:27,430
recently shown to me by my friend and
renowned Photoshop expert Mac over max
00:00:27,430 --> 00:00:32,480
company the image collective produces
highest body fine art prints for museums
00:00:32,480 --> 00:00:36,580
target furs and artists around the world
will include a link to the image
00:00:36,580 --> 00:00:41,050
collective in the video notes on my
YouTube channel dodging and burning or
00:00:41,050 --> 00:00:46,140
lightning in darkening as Mac refers to
college to enhance existing light and
00:00:46,140 --> 00:00:50,800
shadow to guide the eye or increased
depth and contour is a technique I
00:00:50,800 --> 00:00:54,950
commonly use both in Lightroom and
Photoshop there are many different ways
00:00:54,950 --> 00:00:59,540
to make localize lightning in darkening
adjustments one of the most popular with
00:00:59,540 --> 00:01:04,580
photographers is the 50% blended Grail
air method this is a technique I've
00:01:04,580 --> 00:01:09,080
demonstrated in several my tutorials and
have linked to a couple of those from my
00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:14,450
youtube channel in the video notes the
basics of the 50% blended gray layer
00:01:14,450 --> 00:01:24,619
technique are to create a 50% gray layer
to call this one dodge set to the
00:01:24,619 --> 00:01:32,360
overlay or soft light blending mode and
filled with 50% gray in this layer can
00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:44,040
be painted on with white to lighten or
black to darken
00:01:44,040 --> 00:01:49,380
this technique works great but Mac
pointed out a distinct limitation to me
00:01:49,380 --> 00:01:54,820
often after using the 50% greatly our
method to lighten or darken it would be
00:01:54,820 --> 00:01:58,400
great to be able to make further
adjustments to the Lightner darkened
00:01:58,400 --> 00:02:03,990
areas for example San wanted to adjust
the contrast saturation or color balance
00:02:03,990 --> 00:02:08,929
of the area's aid either dodger burned
using it empty or transparent layer
00:02:08,929 --> 00:02:13,220
instead of a 50% gray layer will allow
us to do just that
00:02:13,220 --> 00:02:19,459
here's how it works I'll start by
deleting this gray Dodge later and then
00:02:19,459 --> 00:02:25,270
I'll create a new empty later by holding
down the ALT or option keanu Mac and
00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:31,330
then clicking the new layer icon on AIM
this layer Dodge
00:02:31,330 --> 00:02:36,730
then I'll set the blending mode to
Overlay you can use either the overlay
00:02:36,730 --> 00:02:41,720
or soft light blending mode has with the
50% greater method I generally like the
00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:46,330
overlay blending mode for lightning or
dodging and the soft light blending mode
00:02:46,330 --> 00:02:50,930
for darkening or burning I find this
maintains the best contrast but I'd
00:02:50,930 --> 00:02:54,550
encourage you to experiment with both
blending modes to see what gives you the
00:02:54,550 --> 00:03:00,930
look you want and for this technique
we're not gonna fill with 50% grass so
00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:06,660
just click OK to create that new empty
or transparent layer now you can paint
00:03:06,660 --> 00:03:11,660
with a white or black brush just as you
would with a 50% trailer
00:03:11,660 --> 00:03:15,690
I'm going to light and so on going to
change my foreground color to white and
00:03:15,690 --> 00:03:23,880
I'm going up the opacity to 50% decrease
my brush size and keep a nice soft
00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:28,530
feather brush and this is probably
higher opacity brush than I would
00:03:28,530 --> 00:03:35,330
normally use but i wanna do this quickly
and in my own work flood take more time
00:03:35,330 --> 00:03:38,620
and I would later in these adjustments
00:03:38,620 --> 00:03:43,299
a little bit more incrementally and
smoothly but I just wanted to quickly so
00:03:43,299 --> 00:03:48,430
you can just very rapidly get an idea of
what I'm doing so you can see I'm just
00:03:48,430 --> 00:03:54,049
gonna highlighting the tops of some of
these trees and bushes down here in the
00:03:54,049 --> 00:03:58,140
foreground to give them some more
contour and to bring out the highlights
00:03:58,140 --> 00:04:04,760
so there's the effect of the dodging or
lightning that I just did so what's the
00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:09,280
difference you might ask well because
this technique ads pixels to an
00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:14,079
otherwise empty later after you're done
lightening or darkening you can now hold
00:04:14,079 --> 00:04:19,560
down CTRL or command and click on the
lair to load the painted areas as a
00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:26,789
selection that selection perfectly
matches the areas I just dodged now with
00:04:26,789 --> 00:04:30,970
the selection loaded I can make a new
adjustment layer for demonstration
00:04:30,970 --> 00:04:37,030
purposes on aka levels adjustment layer
and the mask will reveal only the areas
00:04:37,030 --> 00:04:43,650
that were painted in the empty later now
I can make a levels adjustment that will
00:04:43,650 --> 00:04:48,340
be constrained by the mask to only
affect the light and areas this enables
00:04:48,340 --> 00:04:58,070
me to fine-tune the contrast of the
lightning that I did
00:04:58,070 --> 00:05:03,740
but I'm not limited to just levels
adjustment I could load that seemed odd
00:05:03,740 --> 00:05:09,270
layer selection and use it to create a
mask on any type of Lear for example I
00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:17,260
could load the selection and then make a
hue saturation adjustment layer and use
00:05:17,260 --> 00:05:23,460
that to make adjustments to the
saturation of those dodged areas I'm
00:05:23,460 --> 00:05:27,950
gonna push it beyond where I normally
would just so you can see it well and
00:05:27,950 --> 00:05:33,460
the video so that dodging selection
could be applied as a mast any type of
00:05:33,460 --> 00:05:38,390
adjustment layer or even a pic salir so
there any possible adjustment you use in
00:05:38,390 --> 00:05:43,010
your workflow could be targeted directly
to areas you've either lightner darkened
00:05:43,010 --> 00:05:49,810
as a final step I like to add the Dodger
burn later and all related adjustment
00:05:49,810 --> 00:05:55,320
layers into a group so I select them all
and then hold down the Shift key and
00:05:55,320 --> 00:06:01,030
click the group icon to add all those
layers into a group I could call this my
00:06:01,030 --> 00:06:13,550
Dodge adjustments group and now I can
adjust the opacity that entire group to
00:06:13,550 --> 00:06:19,130
dial in just the amount of that dodging
adjustment that I want in the foreground
00:06:19,130 --> 00:06:24,940
I generally keep my dodging and burning
separates I can control them
00:06:24,940 --> 00:06:28,570
individually to head darkening
adjustments and repeat the same steps
00:06:28,570 --> 00:06:32,940
I'd start by holding down the altar
option key and clicking the new layer
00:06:32,940 --> 00:06:40,520
icon not call this one burn and I
probably said this one too soft light
00:06:40,520 --> 00:06:43,750
because I usually like that for
darkening but you can choose in
00:06:43,750 --> 00:06:47,630
experiment and find out which works best
for you
00:06:47,630 --> 00:06:52,670
and then this time I would paint with a
black brush I'm gonna bring this one
00:06:52,670 --> 00:06:59,200
down to 20% and do this little more
incremental II and I'm gonna darken in a
00:06:59,200 --> 00:07:01,810
section of the sky here
00:07:01,810 --> 00:07:13,430
darkening the sky but once I have made
that darkening adjustment I can now hold
00:07:13,430 --> 00:07:19,610
down CTRL or command on a Mac and click
on that burn later to load that is a
00:07:19,610 --> 00:07:25,220
selection and I haven't painted in any
of the pixels more than 50% so you don't
00:07:25,220 --> 00:07:28,980
see any marching answer selection lines
but I'll say ok I know that there is a
00:07:28,980 --> 00:07:33,610
selection loaded and now I can make a
adjustment layer
00:07:33,610 --> 00:07:40,030
don't use my TK panel to make a Curves
adjustment lear and that curves
00:07:40,030 --> 00:07:44,160
adjustment layer comes with the mask
that perfectly matches my burning so now
00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:50,940
I can use the curve to fine-tune the
contrast with the curve of that burning
00:07:50,940 --> 00:07:56,570
in that part of the sky and if I wanted
to work with the color of it as well I
00:07:56,570 --> 00:07:59,300
could controller command click on it
00:07:59,300 --> 00:08:07,770
load the selection and then loaded hue
saturation adjustment layer and adjust
00:08:07,770 --> 00:08:11,440
the hue and saturation of that part of
the sky in fact I mean want to bring
00:08:11,440 --> 00:08:17,480
down the saturation in that area little
bit and now just like before I would
00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:22,550
select all of those layers that are
connected and then hold down the Shift
100:00:11,590 --> 00:00:16,160hey folks this is Sean Bagshaw fromoutdoor exposure photography and photo200:00:16,160 --> 00:00:21,689Cascadia this tutorial share a powerfuldodging and burning technique that was300:00:21,689 --> 00:00:27,430recently shown to me by my friend andrenowned Photoshop expert Mac over max400:00:27,430 --> 00:00:32,480company the image collective produceshighest body fine art prints for museums500:00:32,480 --> 00:00:36,580target furs and artists around the worldwill include a link to the image600:00:36,580 --> 00:00:41,050collective in the video notes on myYouTube channel dodging and burning or700:00:41,050 --> 00:00:46,140lightning in darkening as Mac refers tocollege to enhance existing light and800:00:46,140 --> 00:00:50,800shadow to guide the eye or increaseddepth and contour is a technique I900:00:50,800 --> 00:00:54,950commonly use both in Lightroom andPhotoshop there are many different ways1000:00:54,950 --> 00:00:59,540to make localize lightning in darkeningadjustments one of the most popular with1100:00:59,540 --> 00:01:04,580photographers is the 50% blended Grailair method this is a technique I've1200:01:04,580 --> 00:01:09,080demonstrated in several my tutorials andhave linked to a couple of those from my1300:01:09,080 --> 00:01:14,450youtube channel in the video notes thebasics of the 50% blended gray layer1400:01:14,450 --> 00:01:24,619technique are to create a 50% gray layerto call this one dodge set to the1500:01:24,619 --> 00:01:32,360overlay or soft light blending mode andfilled with 50% gray in this layer can1600:01:32,360 --> 00:01:44,040be painted on with white to lighten orblack to darken1700:01:44,040 --> 00:01:49,380this technique works great but Macpointed out a distinct limitation to me1800:01:49,380 --> 00:01:54,820often after using the 50% greatly ourmethod to lighten or darken it would be1900:01:54,820 --> 00:01:58,400great to be able to make furtheradjustments to the Lightner darkened2000:01:58,400 --> 00:02:03,990areas for example San wanted to adjustthe contrast saturation or color balance2100:02:03,990 --> 00:02:08,929of the area's aid either dodger burnedusing it empty or transparent layer2200:02:08,929 --> 00:02:13,220instead of a 50% gray layer will allowus to do just that2300:02:13,220 --> 00:02:19,459here's how it works I'll start bydeleting this gray Dodge later and then2400:02:19,459 --> 00:02:25,270I'll create a new empty later by holdingdown the ALT or option keanu Mac and2500:02:25,270 --> 00:02:31,330then clicking the new layer icon on AIMthis layer Dodge2600:02:31,330 --> 00:02:36,730then I'll set the blending mode toOverlay you can use either the overlay2700:02:36,730 --> 00:02:41,720or soft light blending mode has with the我通常喜欢 50%更多方法2800:02:41,720--> 00:02:46,330加铺层混合模式为闪电或躲避和柔和光线混合模式2900:02:46,330--> 00:02:50,930变暗或燃烧,我觉得这保持最好的对比,但会3000:02:50,930--> 00:02:54,550鼓励你与两个实验混合模式,看到什么给了你3100:02:54,550--> 00:03:00,930你想要看看,这种技术我们不会这么充满 50%草3200:03:00,930--> 00:03:06,660只需单击确定以创建该新空或透明图层,现在你可以画出3300:03:06,660--> 00:03:11,660用白色或黑色的画笔,就像你将有 50%挂车3400:03:11,660--> 00:03:15,690我要去光等等去我的前景颜色更改为白色和3500:03:15,690--> 00:03:23,880我去了不透明度降低 50%我的笔刷的大小和保持好软3600:03:23,880--> 00:03:28,530羽毛笔刷,这可能是比我高不透明度刷会3700:03:28,530--> 00:03:35,330通常使用但我想要做这快和我自己的工作在洪水采取更多的时间3800:03:35,330--> 00:03:38,620我会稍后在这些调整3900:03:38,620--> 00:03:43,299多一点点增量和顺利,但只是想迅速地这样4000:03:43,299--> 00:03:48,430你可以只是非常迅速地得到的想法我在做什么,所以你可以看到我只是4100:03:48,430 --> 00:03:54,049gonna highlighting the tops of some ofthese trees and bushes down here in the4200:03:54,049 --> 00:03:58,140foreground to give them some morecontour and to bring out the highlights4300:03:58,140 --> 00:04:04,760so there's the effect of the dodging orlightning that I just did so what's the4400:04:04,760 --> 00:04:09,280difference you might ask well becausethis technique ads pixels to an4500:04:09,280 --> 00:04:14,079otherwise empty later after you're donelightening or darkening you can now hold4600:04:14,079 --> 00:04:19,560down CTRL or command and click on thelair to load the painted areas as a4700:04:19,560 --> 00:04:26,789selection that selection perfectlymatches the areas I just dodged now with4800:04:26,789 --> 00:04:30,970the selection loaded I can make a newadjustment layer for demonstration4900:04:30,970 --> 00:04:37,030purposes on aka levels adjustment layerand the mask will reveal only the areas5000:04:37,030 --> 00:04:43,650that were painted in the empty later nowI can make a levels adjustment that will5100:04:43,650 --> 00:04:48,340be constrained by the mask to onlyaffect the light and areas this enables5200:04:48,340 --> 00:04:58,070me to fine-tune the contrast of thelightning that I did5300:04:58,070 --> 00:05:03,740but I'm not limited to just levelsadjustment I could load that seemed odd5400:05:03,740 --> 00:05:09,270layer selection and use it to create amask on any type of Lear for example I5500:05:09,270 --> 00:05:17,260could load the selection and then make ahue saturation adjustment layer and use5600:05:17,260 --> 00:05:23,460that to make adjustments to thesaturation of those dodged areas I'm5700:05:23,460 --> 00:05:27,950gonna push it beyond where I normallywould just so you can see it well and5800:05:27,950 --> 00:05:33,460the video so that dodging selectioncould be applied as a mast any type of5900:05:33,460 --> 00:05:38,390adjustment layer or even a pic salir sothere any possible adjustment you use in6000:05:38,390 --> 00:05:43,010your workflow could be targeted directlyto areas you've either lightner darkened6100:05:43,010 --> 00:05:49,810as a final step I like to add the Dodgerburn later and all related adjustment6200:05:49,810 --> 00:05:55,320layers into a group so I select them alland then hold down the Shift key and6300:05:55,320 --> 00:06:01,030click the group icon to add all thoselayers into a group I could call this my6400:06:01,030 --> 00:06:13,550Dodge adjustments group and now I canadjust the opacity that entire group to6500:06:13,550 --> 00:06:19,130dial in just the amount of that dodgingadjustment that I want in the foreground6600:06:19,130 --> 00:06:24,940I generally keep my dodging and burningseparates I can control them6700:06:24,940 --> 00:06:28,570individually to head darkeningadjustments and repeat the same steps6800:06:28,570 --> 00:06:32,940I'd start by holding down the altaroption key and clicking the new layer6900:06:32,940 --> 00:06:40,520icon not call this one burn and Iprobably said this one too soft light7000:06:40,520 --> 00:06:43,750because I usually like that fordarkening but you can choose in7100:06:43,750 --> 00:06:47,630experiment and find out which works bestfor you7200:06:47,630 --> 00:06:52,670and then this time I would paint with ablack brush I'm gonna bring this one7300:06:52,670 --> 00:06:59,200down to 20% and do this little moreincremental II and I'm gonna darken in a7400:06:59,200 --> 00:07:01,810section of the sky here7500:07:01,810 --> 00:07:13,430darkening the sky but once I have madethat darkening adjustment I can now hold7600:07:13,430 --> 00:07:19,610down CTRL or command on a Mac and clickon that burn later to load that is a7700:07:19,610 --> 00:07:25,220selection and I haven't painted in anyof the pixels more than 50% so you don't7800:07:25,220 --> 00:07:28,980see any marching answer selection linesbut I'll say ok I know that there is a7900:07:28,980 --> 00:07:33,610selection loaded and now I can make aadjustment layer8000:07:33,610 --> 00:07:40,030don't use my TK panel to make a Curvesadjustment lear and that curves8100:07:40,030 --> 00:07:44,160adjustment layer comes with the maskthat perfectly matches my burning so now8200:07:44,160 --> 00:07:50,940I can use the curve to fine-tune thecontrast with the curve of that burning8300:07:50,940 --> 00:07:56,570in that part of the sky and if I wantedto work with the color of it as well I8400:07:56,570 --> 00:07:59,300could controller command click on it8500:07:59,300 --> 00:08:07,770load the selection and then loaded huesaturation adjustment layer and adjust8600:08:07,770 --> 00:08:11,440the hue and saturation of that part ofthe sky in fact I mean want to bring8700:08:11,440 --> 00:08:17,480down the saturation in that area littlebit and now just like before I would8800:08:17,480 --> 00:08:22,550select all of those layers that areconnected and then hold down the Shift