The equipment used for the extraction procedure has
been schematically shown by Scheme 1. A 10 mL vial
with an internal diameter of 2.0 cm and a height of
4.5 cm was used as extraction vessel. 5 mL of the
sample solution was transferred into the sample vial.
To impregnate the organic liquid membrane in the pores
of the hollow fiber wall a 3.5 cm piece of polypropylene hollow fiber was cut out and dipped into the organic solvent (1-octanol with 2.0 % v/v DEHP) serving as
the supporting liquid membrane (SLM) for 5 s and then
the excess amount of the organic solvent was gently
removed using a medical wipe. 15 μL of a 100.0 mM
HCl solution, as acceptor solution, was introduced into
the lumen of the hollow fiber by a microsyringe. The
lower end of the hollow fiber was sealed with a small
piece of aluminum foil (thickness of 280 μm)