In connection with the audit of our financial statements, please provide directly to our auditors, Messrs. SHINEWING (HK) CPA Limited, Attn: Vera Fong, 43/F., The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (Fax: 3583-8001), confirmation of the following item of goods (see below) stored by you as at 31st December 2012 on behalf.
产品名称 (料号) 结存数量
705-310-C7S03 45
705-320-C3S02 196
合计 241
If you agree with the above information, please confirm by signing at the foot of these pages.
Should you disagree with the information, please provide the details of the difference.
Your prompt attention to this request will be appreciated.
Yours very truly,
Tongfang Global Limited
(Signature and stamp)