Variables: The educational level variables are dummies that adopt the value 1 for the highest level of education attained. Ili_or_PS: Without studies or only primary studies; Sec_S: secondary studies; Bacca: baccalaureate or second grade professional training, Hight_S: university studies (degree, master), Income (log): income level of the family; Age (log): age of the reference person. Man = 1, 0 if she is a woman; Married = 1 if you are married or have a de facto partner and zero in any other situation or marital status. Business = 1 if the family is a business owner and 0 otherwise. The rest of variables include the interaction of the three dummies of educational level (secondary studies, baccalaureate or and higher studies) with the other variables.E.M., marginal effects (dy/dx).∗,∗∗,∗∗∗ Significant at 10%, 5% and 1%, respectively.