J.彭等人 / 胶体与界面科学 449 学报 (2015 年) 167-174和 5 毫米腐胺/SDS 混合物 ph 值为 7,10,和结束宽范围的 SDS 浓度。2.2.表面张力对 Kruss 进行了 ST,表面张力测定K11 大拉数字张力计,使用铂铱环和 deNouy 方法。以前每次测量环是在高纯度水漂洗和烘干在本生灯火焰。的张力计被校准值为 72 mN/m 纯度高水和温度控制在 25 ± 0.2 c。解决方案部分覆盖以减少蒸发。重复的测量作了,达 2 h 取决于花费时间解决方案,直到在 ST 变化 < 0.2 mN/m。2.3.中子反射中子反射率测量了在波浪上[39] 和 [40] 国米反光在 ISIS 中子源。的反射率测量矢量波宽移交,Q,范围 (其中 Q = (4p 罪 h) / k,h 是掠入射角和 k 中子波长)。对国际米兰的可用的 Q 范围是0.03 至 0.3 Å 1,与 h 的 2.3 a 和 a k 范围上 1 到 15 Å。冲浪一稍有不同的 Q 系列 0.045 至 0.5 Å 1 使用,为h 的 1.5 和 0.5 到 7 k 范围 Å。反射率标定与尊重直接束强度和从D2O 表面的反射率。测量所有了in nrw in sealed Teflon troughs at 25 C and with sample volumes25 mL. Each NR measurement took 15 to 30 min, and the measurements were made sequentially in a 5 or 7 position samplechanger. The measurements were repeated 3 to 4 times, whichrepresented a total lapse time of 4–6 h, by which time the reflectivity profiles had reached a steady-state.In the kinematic approximation [41] the reflectivity is related tothe square of the Fourier transform of the scattering length densityprofile q(z) normal to the surface (q(z) = Pini(z)bi, where ni and biare the number density and scattering length of the ith component,and q(z) is related to the neutron reflective index bynðzÞ ¼ 1 k2qðzÞ=2p). Hence, the reflectivity can be written as,RðQÞ ¼ 16p2Q 2 Z qðzÞeiQzdz 2 ð1Þq(z) can be manipulated by deuterium labelling (H and D havedifferent scattering lengths, 3.7 106 Å for H and 6.67 105 Åfor D) such that the reflectivity can provide directly informationabout adsorption at the interface and the structure of the adsorbedlayer. This approach has been extensively exploited for a widerange of surfactants [41] and polymer–surfactant [12] systems.The scattering lengths of the different components used in thisstudy are listed in Table 1.