Online education allows training wherever you are, to communicate your knowledge on demand, responsive information. Students can access courses wherever they work, at home, at public Internet spots, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.<br><br>Cost savings: help reduce approximately 60% of the cost including travel expenses and venue organizational costs. Students only spend their course registration costs and can sign up for the many courses they need.<br><br>Save time: Help reduce training time by 20-40% compared to traditional teaching methods that limit dispersion and travel time.<br><br>Flexibility and mobility: Students can choose courses that are guided by online instructors or interactive self-paced courses, self-adjusting the speed of learning by ability and can enhance knowledge through online libraries<br><br>Optimal: Consistent transport content. Organizations can simultaneously provide a variety of disciplines, courses as well as learning levels to help students easily choose<br><br>System: E-Learning makes it easy to create and enable students to learn, easily track academic progress, and student outcomes. With the ability to create reviews, managers easily know which employees have participated in, when they complete the course, how they perform and how their level of development is.