Any duties / taxes due at time of delivery.
Duty free up to $75 USD on all product categories EXCEPT for cosmetics. Cosmetic category includes, but is not limited to, all beauty, makeup, skincare, sunblock, shampoo and conditioner, hair coloring, shower gel, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, sheep oil, nasal wash, burn ointment, insect repellent, cocoa butter, infant and children’s personal care and other toiletries. The tax rate for cosmetics and beauty category is 50%, Food & supplements are usually 10%. If the calculated duty is less than 50 RMB, no duty is charged. Value of each package is limited. (1,000 RMB)
By choosing this shipping method you will be required to provide a photo ID to SF Express for customs clearance.
Please refer to the FAQs or shipping confirmation email for details on how to upload your ID.