Cai I have both your letters here to prove to you I care about what you said
I don't wont you to feel like I took any of this you said personal, I have not, remember, I said I would be on your side, actually I am honored you chose me over this other guy, and my god dear I will miss you so much when you will go home, don't ever think I would abandon you, after all we have been thru together, would I stoop so low to treat you so bad--------absolutely not, I have strong feelings for you---I love you with all my heart, whats in the past is the past, same as for me,
now lets talk about me a little bit and us too: there has been times I told you when we first started talking to each other some of the things that I was looking for in a partner/soul mate/future wife, remember I said one thing that I was looking for was that the partner/woman did not use arguing to settle problems, I was looking for a partner who settled things by talking calmly--not being strict or stern in talking back to your partner but calm as the water, just like I do when theres a misunderstanding
so when I read that part in your letter I couldn't understand who was loosing there temper, was it you or was it him, because baby when people loose there temper all the time, and don't settle things calmly and respectfully to each other--that's how relationships go on the rocks or just divorce, I want a strong relationship with a partner who already knows what I like and what I dislike before they ever consider getting into a relationship with me, have you ever wondered what was the likes and dislikes in a partner I am looking for, just like I am learning all I can about you what you like and what you don't like---so don't ever think your not interesting