While 23 publications focused solely on location as an attribute for advertisement adaptation, 43 publications considered, in addition to location, further context attributes for adapting the advertisement (cf. Table 4). The most frequently used attributes used as adaptation criterion were time (24), profile (12), interest (12), and preferences (10). Bulander et al. (2005) integrate 7 context attributes for adaptation in their work (i.e., location, time, profile, demographics, weather, calendar, and noise-level). Li and Du (2012) use 6 context attributes foradaptation (i.e., location, time, preferences, behavior, demographics, and weather). Equally, Simoes et al. (2009) uses 6 context attributes (i.e., location, time, demographics, characteristics of surrounding, social context, and activity) as well as Magedanz and Simoes (2009) (i.e., location, time, preferences, weather, device, need).Interestingly, adapting advertising messages to several context attributes was much more often considered in design-oriented publications than in publications with other methodological approaches.