Woo, I can gladly say that the Ranch Assistant system is finally ready的繁體中文翻譯

Woo, I can gladly say that the Ranc

Woo, I can gladly say that the Ranch Assistant system is finally ready for you guys to use! This is the last major gameplay system that I'll be adding to the game (we'll also be adding the Inquisitor system, but that's an ultimately much smaller system based on parts already in game). This is important not only because the system itself is cool and I hope you guys'll like it, but because it means I can majorly shift my focus towards refining gameplay/game balance and writing storylines/events. Alita is the only assistant who will be currently available in the game, but expect that number to expand rapidly.

Important note about animations: You'll notice there are no animations in this update. Don't freak out! They're coming! As a result of the issues we had with the harpies as well as a few other compounding problems (computer troubles, some missing cow parts, some particularly complex animation set-ups), the prep work for the animations got pushed back this month. Making animations requires a long set of processes, starting with cutting up the poses and assembling them before anything can be actually animated. Since rather than doing the animations one at a time we put them through each process in batches (cut all the poses, then assemble all the poses, etc) this means that all this month's animations are currently in the assembly phase.

What we're planning to do is, instead of making you wait a whole other month for more animations, have our mid-month release be our "animation update". Given this goes well, from now on we'll probably do releases in this manner, with two releases each month: a gameplay update on the 1st, and then an animation update mid-month.

Also, as this is the last major system we're adding to the game (and an update to some of the more important bits of the UI), there's a very high chance of bugs. I fully expect to be doing a hotfix even before we get to the animation update this month, so let me know of any important bugs and I'll try to get the hotfix up ASAP.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
哇,我可以高興地說,牧場助理系統是終於準備好,你們這些傢伙使用 !這是我會加入到這場比賽最後一個主要的遊戲系統 (我們也將加入調查官制度,但這就是最終要小得多的系統,基於零件已經在遊戲中)。這一點很重要,不只是因為系統本身就是很酷,我希望你們會喜歡它,而是因為這意味著我可以主要轉移我的注意力對精煉/遊戲平衡和寫故事情節/事件。艾麗塔是唯一的助手,將目前可在遊戲中,但預計這一數位迅速擴大。有關動畫的重要說明︰ 您會注意到有沒有在此更新的動畫。不要害怕 !他們來了 !由於我們有鷹身女妖,以及幾個其他複合問題 (解決電腦問題,缺少某些牛部分,一些特別複雜的動畫設置) 的問題,為動畫的準備工作得到了推回這個月。動畫創作需要啟動的進程,與切碎的姿勢和裝配他們之前任何可以實際上動畫長的套。因為而不是我們把它們放在批次處理中的每個進程通過一次做一個動畫 (切各種各樣的姿勢,然後組裝的姿勢的等) 這意味著所有本月的動畫是目前在組裝階段。What we're planning to do is, instead of making you wait a whole other month for more animations, have our mid-month release be our "animation update". Given this goes well, from now on we'll probably do releases in this manner, with two releases each month: a gameplay update on the 1st, and then an animation update mid-month.Also, as this is the last major system we're adding to the game (and an update to some of the more important bits of the UI), there's a very high chance of bugs. I fully expect to be doing a hotfix even before we get to the animation update this month, so let me know of any important bugs and I'll try to get the hotfix up ASAP.
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]

結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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