Dear Shuo Welcome to the first edition of the Curtin Alumni eNews for 2013. We have a great deal to tell you about this month. It's proving to be a bumper year! First off, Vice Chancellor Professor Jeanette Hacket has announced she will be retiring later this year. The 2013 Alumni scholarships have been awarded to Chelsea Chan and Siobhan Lee. The Curtin University Law School has been officially launched, Curtin will play a key role in a $31 million autism research centre and the John Curtin Medal Nominations are now open.
Thank you to all those who came to our 'Wreck it Ralph' movie night we hosted at Bankwest Movies by Burswood, Curtin Outdoor Cinema. There is plenty of the movie season left, so if you live in Perth, check out Bankwest Movies by Burswood, Curtin Outdoor Cinema Program.