The SCPDI fire prevention training also included instructions that there should be more than one exit inthe area of work and that all workers keep their backs to an exit in case a fire necessitated escape. Despitethese fire safety recommendations, the arrangement of spray equipment within the narrow confines of thepenstock kept contractors separated from the work area‘s only exit. No remedial action was taken toaddress the lack of a secondary exit, although a number of RPI employees expressed concern abouthaving only one egress point. The positive affects of training are significantly diminished when the goodpractices promoted in the training cannot be adhered to. Interestingly, a penstock project contractaddendum, which both Xcel and RPI agreed to, empowered Xcel employees with ―stop work authority‖during the project, allowing Xcel employees to order RPI to cease work within the penstock if theyobserved unsafe work practices. This stop work authority was given specifically to Xcel employees, notthe RPI work crew.