Using the information which you have brought into the exam on your note, use appropriate methods of analysing
financial statements to compare and contrast the financial performance and current financial status of one of these
organisations and a comparator organisation which you have selected during your preparation for the exam.
Methods which you may use include:
- Relevant ratios
- Comparison of key elements of the financial statements
- Horizontal or vertical analysis
- Any additional methods which you have researched. [Total 28 marks]
This question was generally answered well, and the standard of the open notes sheets was high. Some candidates
didn't provide an adequate introduction or conclusion, and some failed to mention which companies they were
comparing until quite a long way through the essay. Many submitted an essay that was below the standard of their
open note preparation. Few students explored methods beyond those covered in the lectures, good post graduate
students would be expected to undertake additional research beyond the methods taught. Very good answers
included good citations. There was little discussion of the limitations of the methods used.