In recent years, some materials with the extreme wettability both superhydrophobicity (water contact angle higher than 150◦and sliding angle less than 5◦) and superoleophilicity (oil con-tact angle less than 5◦) have attracted great interest for scientific community and potential applications in the area of oil/water separation because they only absorb oil while repelling water (Lee,Johnson, Drelich, & Yap, 2011; Song, Gaware, Rúnarsson, Másson, &Mano, 2010; Zhang, Wang, Wang, & Li, 2013; Zhang, Wang, Wang,Shi, & Li, 2012). As known from previous literature, the superhydrophobic property is attributed to the combination of micro/nano hierarchical structures of the substrate and the low surface energy of the surface (Li, Reinhoudt, & Crego-Calama, 2007; Zhang, Shi,Niu, Jiang, & Wang, 2008). On the basis of this principle, manydifferent methods, such as laser/plasma etching (Song, Tang, Li, &Xiao, 2013; Yoon, Moon, Lyoo, Lee, & Park, 2009), phase separa-tion (Zhao et al., 2005), layer-by-layer assembly (Jiang et al., 2005),lithographic patterning (Fürstner, Barthlott, Neinhuis, & Walzel,2005), chemical vapor deposition (Ishizaki, Saito, & Takai, 2010),solution-immersion method (Li, Zhang, & Wang, 2008) and solgel method (Wang, Liu, et al., 2011) have been developed to design and fabricate superhydrophobic surfaces. Among these methods, the solgel method, generated micro/nano-structure onto the surface,has been found to be one particularly good technique for fabricating superhydrophobic coatings onto substrates because of its high efficiency and simplicity.