dear customer,the plan of his payments has been changed, because in his account has been detected at least one of the changes listed below:- a significant decrease or increase in its sales volumes.- a high rate of complaints of guarantee from a to z.- a proportion of allowances higher than normal for sales on amazon.- a change in the volume of sales in a new category or type of product.- orders with higher prices compared with the previous sales.- a low percentage shipments in late.- delivery time very long for some or all of your orders.consequently, we believe that run a greater risk of receiving complaints, chargeback and claims by buyers. a reserve has been applied to your account to ensure that sufficient money to handle requests for reimbursement by buyers.during this period of time, the revenue received from sales will be reserved for 14 days from the date of the sale. after 14 days, the amount of the order will be transferred to the next payment date, provided that the balance of the account is positive.if, for example, sells an article on 1 january, the amount of the sale will be reserved until 15 january. the funds will be so transferred to the subsequent payment date. any fees or expenses charged to your account during the period of payment may influence the net amount it will receive.the reservation can be applied for a maximum of 90 days, but can be removed in the case of improvements. during the period of verification, it is not required to provide any information. we"ll contact you when we have completed the verification.can display the balance into account, the level of payments and the amount of reserves in the payments page of section report of seller central.https: / / / gp / payments - account / settlement-summary.htmlto obtain useful suggestions on sale on amazon, try "performance measurement of the seller" in the help of seller central.sales team performanceamazon.ithttp: / /