Grimshaw and Partners and Anthony Hunt<br>Associates so that it performed well<br>aesthetically as well as technically.<br>These few examples serve to illustrate that<br>throughout the entire span of the history of<br>Western architecture from the temples of Greek<br>antiquity to late-twentieth-century structures<br>such as the Waterloo Terminal, buildings have<br>been created in which architecture has been<br>made from exposed structure. The architects of<br>such buildings have paid due regard to the<br>requirements of the structural technology and<br>have reflected this in the basic forms of the<br>buildings. The architecture has therefore been<br>affected in a quite fundamental way by the<br>structural technology involved. At the same<br>time the architects have not allowed<br>technological considerations to inhibit their<br>architectural imagination. The results have<br>been well-resolved buildings which perform<br>well when judged by either technical or nontechnical criteria.