Fraternal correction is an external act or effect of charity that is also a kind of alms, which is itself a kind of beneficence {ST II-II.31.prologue). On Thomas5s rendering, charity is a virtue of the will (ST I-II.56.6). Like justice, it inclines us toward another, toward a relationship with them mediated by the will’s act, but here the inclination is toward a friend and the act is love’s well-wishing and desire for union (ST II-II.23.2-3). Because charity’s inclination always generates its act, and because its act always achieves love’s end, its union of friend with the friend, of love with love {ST II-II.27.2), Thomas insists that charity simply is friendship (5711-11.23.1,5). The friendship resides in the will so inclined, not just between the friends in their shared life and affections.3