Functioning Scale, Social Behavior Scale, Global Assessment of Functioning Scale). In a few studies, observations and records involving the duration and number of hospitalizations (Bradshaw 1993, Tarrier et al. 2000) and the efficacy of coping and the number of positive coping techniques (Tarrier et al. 1993b) were used rather than standard measurements.The effectiveness of interventions was assessed through pre- and post-treatment evaluation and in addition, in some studies, in order to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of therapy, follow- up measurements were administered at different time intervals. In 11 of the 42 articles, only pre- and post-test evaluation was administered without any follow-up evaluation. Follow-up evaluations were performed in a wide time range extending from 1 month (Geldhill et al. 1998, Mann and Chong 2004) to five years after the end of the study (Drury et al. 2000). However, in the majority of studies, the follow-up evaluation was given between 3 months and 1 year after the study. The follow-up was longer than 1 year in only 4 articles. (Andres et al. 2000, 2003, Drury et al. 2000, Tarrier et al. 2000)