Dear Stat Fax User,
Although the Chromate Manager software will print raw absorbance data in the format shown in your example, this printout will not include the test information in the header. I have attached a copy of the raw absorbance reading from the Read Plate absorbance function exported in text format. If additional information is required on the report, it can also be exported directly to a template in Excel format. Although it is not the format you are looking for, I have attached an example Quantase G6PD) of a custom report template using the Excel export to show you how the raw absorbance data can be made to populate any report format. The instructions for these functions are provided below.
Raw Absorbance Data (Read Plate Absorbance feature)
Raw absorbance data read using the "Read Plate Absorbance" feature can be exported in either a text or Excel format. The data is displayed in a simple 8 or 12 way plate format, but can be imported to an Excel spreadsheet for calculations and/or to format the report.To accomplish this they should first create an Excel template. The Chromate Manager will export the data directly to this template for calculation. I have attached an example of a template (Quantase G6PD) and the Excel export format (.zip file). Although the example is not in the specific format they are looking for, it will provide an example of how the data populates the template. Notice the second sheet is named "Plate Raw Data". There must be a sheet with this name to export the data to. If One does not exist, the software will create one when you read a plate using the "Read Plate Absorbance" function as described below and you can build your calculation sheet from there. The calculations can be made on this sheet or separate sheets (for different tests) as in the example. The name should be changed when saving the tests to avoid overwriting them the next time data is exported.
To export the raw data to the template, follow the steps below.
1. Install the plate.
2. Go to the "Tests" tab and select "Read Plate Absorbance"
3. Enter the primary and differential filters
4. Be sure the "Blank" and "Kinetic" boxes are checked as necessary base on your test requirements.
5. Select "12 X 8 Way" to read and report in this format is desired.
6. Select "Read Plate"
7. When the plate has been read, select "Export"
7. Browse to find your template and select "Open"
8. The template should open and all the applicable result fields should be filled
If the assay protocol is programmed, the Chromate Manager software will not generate a report in the format you are looking for but the data may be exported in Excel format to achieve any format you want. The data cannot be imported directly to a template as in the procedures above but can be imported to a template as described below.
Programmed Assay Results
To export results when a test is re-programmed and the calculations are made by the Chromate Manager software follow the procedure below. Bear in mind that this data cannot be exported directly to a template like the raw absorbance, so it would need to be imported into Excel to create the desired format.
1. run your test and accept the results as you normally would.
2. Go to the "Reports" window and check the boxes next to the results you wish to export.
3. Select "Export"
4. Select the location you wish to save the file to
4. Name your file
5. Save as Type "Microsoft Excel Files (*.xls)"
6. Click "Save"
Note: Exporting the test reports in Excel format current does not result in the most user friendly format on the sheet. Experienced Excel users may not have an issue with this or they may wish to export the data in .txt format and then import and manually delimit it in Excel. A more friendly format may be available in a future software release, but I do not have an ETA at this time. I have attached copies of the .txt and .xls formats (.zip file) for your review.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Mike Standt
Stat Fax Support