Figure 4. A, Mean changes (1 standard error of the mean) in refraction over 20 months. Filled triangles show mean change in SER in diopters in eyes
that wore a DF lens in period 1 (dashed line) and an SVD lens in period 2 (solid line), i.e., filled triangles relate to the dominant eyes from participants in
group 1 plus the nondominant eyes from participants in group 2. Filled circles show mean change in SER in eyes that wore an SVD lens in period 1 (solid
line) and a DF lens in period 2 (dashed line), i.e., filled circles relate to the nondominant eyes from participants in group 1 plus the dominant eyes from
participants in group 2. B, Mean changes (1 standard error of the mean) in eye length with time. Filled triangles show mean change in AXL (mm) in
eyes that wore a DF lens in period 1 (dashed line) and an SVD lens in period 2 (solid line). Filled circles show mean change in axial length in eyes that wore
an SVD lens in period 1 (solid line) and a DF lens in period 2 (dashed line). D diopters; DF Dual-Focus; SVD single vision distance.