For the NCSU ONLD project, the organization name data was originally output from E-Matrix as Extensible Markup Language (XML) data using a slightly modified version of the Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS) vocabulary, which is maintained by the Library of Congress and used for authority file data on their Linked Data Service( The NCSU project team naturally considered using the RDF expression of the MADS vocabulary,MADS/RDF (, but in practice we found MADS/RDF to be cumbersome due to
the frequent use of blank nodes and were more intrigued by the simpler SKOS files that the Library of Congress also provided. Ultimately, the NCSU project team developed an application profile made up of properties from several widely used vocabularies to in order maximize the interoperability with other linked data sets. From the SKOS vocabulary, the authorized form of name for each organization was recorded with skos:prefLabel and variant forms of name were recorded with skos:altLabel. The web page of the organization was recorded using foaf:homepage from the FOAF vocabulary. Using rdfaype from RDF Schema, all of the organizations were associated with relevant classes in several popular vocabularies, such as owl:Thing, foaf:Organization,and dbpedia owl:Organisation.