Descriptive statistics (Mean, SD, correlation) of major variables were first computed. The role of PsyCap as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction were examined with a series of moderated regression analyses. Using the procedure suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986), the main effects of the predictor and hypothesized moderator were controlled before determining the moderating effect of the hypothesized moderator on the predictor-outcome association. As such, for all subsequent moderated regression analyses in predicting burnout and job satisfaction, the main effects of emotional labor and Psychological Capital were entered in the first block. The interaction term of emotional labor and Psychological Capital was entered as the second block. Following the recommendation of Aiken and West (1991) and Fraizer, Tix, and Barron (2004), all main effects of predictors and interaction terms were centered before entering the regression analyses.
Descriptive statistics (Mean, SD, correlation) of major variables were first computed. The role of PsyCap as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction were examined with a series of moderated regression analyses. Using the procedure suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986), the main effects of the predictor and hypothesized moderator were controlled before determining the moderating effect of the hypothesized moderator on the predictor-outcome association. As such, for all subsequent moderated regression analyses in predicting burnout and job satisfaction, the main effects of emotional labor and Psychological Capital were entered in the first block. The interaction term of emotional labor and Psychological Capital was entered as the second block. Following the recommendation of Aiken and West (1991) and Fraizer, Tix, and Barron (2004), all main effects of predictors and interaction terms were centered before entering the regression analyses.