About Expedited Shipping
Expedited Shipping is our express delivery service for shipping addresses in Japan (excluding Okinawa and some remote islands).
Same-Day Expedited Shipping delivers your order the same day you place it, while Expedited Shipping delivers your order within three days from your order date. Deliveries are between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. (or sometimes later, depending on traffic). Expedited Shipping is also available for certain pre-ordered items. When you select Expedited Shipping for a pre-ordered item, your item is delivered on the same day as its official release. For information on Expedited Shipping for pre-ordered items, click here.
The type (Same-Day Expedited Shipping or Expedited Shipping) cannot be changed by request and is chosen automatically. Additionally, the time your order is delivered cannot be arranged beforehand.
Shipping Rates
Both the Same-Day Expedited Shipping and Expedited Shipping services charge an additional shipping fee, regardless of the total order amount. Free for Amazon Prime members
Same-Day Expedited Shipping:514 yen (tax included)
Expedited Shipping:360 yen (tax included)
Orders made past midnight may be handled as Same-Day Expedited Shipping. If this applies, orders will change from Expedited Shipping to Same-day Expedited Shipping after midnight.
Note: For COD (cash on delivery), there is a handling charge of 324 yen (tax included).
Eligible Items
Items eligible for Expedite