The recent full moon in Gemini still affects you almost as much as it does Gemini, as the moon is your ruler. This is illuminating anything that has been hidden and that may be your real feelings that you’ve hidden from yourself, or you discover that others have hidden stuff from you.
You will also feel almost as emotional as Gems are feeling, although yours will be private and hidden. This energy (and angst) is directed towards family matters and members, real estate, your home and even where you live. This planet is also making you aggressive, fiery and driven.
Saturn is in your house of everyday, the nuts and bolts of your life and helping to fix anything that is broken or faulty. A lot of Cancerians over indulge on mood enhancers so that’s something that Saturn wants you to not be in denial about and address in the next two years. Health and routines and fixing whatever is broken, although how you deal with these issues may impinge on your emotional and mental wellbeing so that’s something to consider also.
Neptune is creating the dream and Saturn will help you turn it into reality (that is unless the dream is too far fetched) but nothing will feel concrete or certain for a while. There are still a lot of unknowns, but you do have the entire perspective and most of the pieces of the jigsaw that may have been missing before.
This is a Cosmic climate where what is right, just and real will prevail and pipe dreams will remain just that, but there are lot possibilities that you still don’t even know about.
Neptune is in your house of legalities, foreign connections and international relations, travel, education, media and publishing. If you are on solid ground in any of these areas, and put your heart and soul into your efforts, Saturn will reward your commitment.
Other people are still pressing your buttons and there may be a situation that you had overlooked that becomes a real headache, but what is occurring this week will set the tone for how you deal with your home, real estate, family members, your homeland and domestic scene for some time to come.
You will make a very honest but perhaps blunt announcement this week that will surprise or shock others and have far reaching consequences.