C’était le 13 février 2013. Le PSG se déplace sur la pelouse de Mestalla pour affronter Valence en huitièmes de finale aller de la Ligue des champions. Ce soir-là, Andres Guardado ne sait plus où il habite. Il devient chèvre, manque ses interventions, se fait dribbler. L’objet des tourments de l’arrière gauche mexicain se nomme Lucas. Moura pour certains. Le jeune Brésilien, débarqué un mois plus tôt de Sao Paulo pour 40 millions d’euros, réalise une prestation remarquable pour son premier grand test sous les couleurs parisiennes. Le club de la capitale repart d’Espagne avec un net avantage (2-1) en vue de la qualification et l’heureuse sensation d’avoir déniché une pépite.
Deux ans et demi plus tard, Laurent Blanc doit se demander si son numéro 7 parviendra un jour à confirmer sur la durée les (trop grands?) espoirs suscités à son arrivée. Samedi face à Reims (1-1), Lucas a, une nouvelle fois, signé une performance insipide. Pas décisif (aucun centre réussi, un seul tir : contré), peu disponible (seulement 40 ballons touchés) le Brésilien a erré sur le terrain, obtenant la note de 2 dans L’Equipe du lendemain. Malgré un but à Lille, son début de saison n’est pas convaincant alors qu’il a effectué la préparation complète.
It was February 13, 2013. PSG moves on the lawn of Mestalla to face Valencia in first knockout round go to the champions League. That evening, Andres Guardado no longer knows where he lives. He became a goat, missing its interventions, is dribble. The purpose of the torments of the Mexican left back is named Lucas. Moura for some. The young Brazilian, landed a month earlier from Sao Paulo for EUR 40 million, made a remarkable benefit to its first big test under the Parisian colors. The capital club leaves Spain with a net benefit (2-1) to the qualification and the happy feeling of having unearthed a nugget. Two and a half years later, Laurent Blanc must ask itself whether its number 7 will succeed one day to confirm on the duration (too big?) hopes upon his arrival. Saturday against Reims (1-1), Lucas once again signed a tasteless performance. Decisive step (no centre succeeded, one shot: countered), little available (only 40 balls affected) the Brazilian erred on the ground, getting the score of 2 in the team the next day. Despite a goal in Lille, his start to the season is not convincing while he performed the complete preparation.
It was February 13, 2013. The PSG moves on the lawn of Mestalla to face Valencia in the knockout move the Champions League. That night, Andres Guardado does not know where he lives. It becomes goat, missing its interventions is dribbling. The object of the torments of the Mexican left behind is called Lucas. Moura for some. The young Brazilian, arrived a month ago from Sao Paulo for € 40 million, realizes a remarkable performance for his first big test in the Parisian colors. The club from the capital of Spain restarts with a clear advantage (2-1) to the qualification and the happy feeling of having found a nugget. Two and half years later, Laurent Blanc has to wonder if his number 7 will succeed one day to confirm on the duration (too large?) hopes raised on arrival. Saturday against Reims (1-1), Lucas once again signed an insipid performance. Decisive (no successful center, one shot: countered), few available (only 40 balls hit) the Brazilian wandering in the field, getting a score of 2 in L'Equipe the next day. Despite a goal in Lille, his start to the season is not convincing when he performed the complete preparation.
it was on 13 february 2013. the system moves on the front lawn of mestalla to face valencia in eight finals of the champions league. that night, andres guardado doesn't know where he lives. it is a goat, lack its interventions is dribbling. the purpose of the torment of the mexican left back named lucas. and for some people. the young brazilian.arrived a month earlier from sao paulo to 40 million euros, is outstanding for its first major test in the local color. the club from the capital back to spain with an edge (2) in view of the qualification and the happy feeling of having found a nugget. "two and a half years later.laurent blanc is the question of whether his number 7 would one day to confirm the duration (too large). hope arrives. saturday in reims (1-1), lucas has once again signed a performance dull. step (no centre, one shot, counteracted) available (only 40 balls hit), the brazilian was lost on the ground.with the score of 2 in the team the next day. despite a goal before the start of season is not good, so he has made the full preparation.