A number of studies have assessed consumer knowledge about expiry dates and discussed the implications for household food waste (Broad Leib et al., 2016, van Boxstael et al., 2014, Toma and Font, 2017, TNS European Behaviour Studies Consortium, 2014, Visschers et al., 2016). Three of these studies go beyond assessing knowledge alone and explore the relationship between knowledge and date label use or food waste (Toma and Font, 2017, TNS European Behaviour Studies Consortium, 2014, Visschers et al., 2016). Their results are mixed: Visschers et al. (2016) found no link between expiry-date knowledge and self-reported food waste outcomes; Toma and Font (2017) found that consumers who had better knowledge of expiry dates were actually less likely to engage in waste-reducing behaviours (such as willingness to consume dry products such as rice and pasta without a best-before date). On the other hand, TNS found that “misconception of the ‘best-before’ date as a safety limit is one of the strongest factors which drives consumers to throw away outdated food” (2014, pp.156). The use of different measures of outcomes by these three studies is likely to explain their different conclusions about knowledge’s relationship to food waste; nevertheless, the relationship between expiry date knowledge and WTC is not clear. In light of these findings, we develop a further hypothesis to test whether the relationship between expiry date knowledge and WTC differs by product type.